It’s never too soon to talk about your career path. Our experts are here to help you chart your course to success.

Plans secured rate within 180 days post-graduation


Students hold an internship while at the College of Business


Average starting salary for College of Business undergrads

Your Go-to Resource to Connect with Employers

The Career Management Center exclusively serves College of Business students. Our staff, events and career development services support every step of your career journey, from self-discovery to connections with employers that rely on the skills that graduates from the CSU College of Business bring to them.

Access the Career Management Center

Career Exploration

Meet one-on-one with career counselors as you fine-tune your career plans. Bring your future into focus with career choice guidance from staff with intimate knowledge of the nuances of business fields.

Schedule a Career Counseling appointment

Networking and Recruitment Events

With more than 65 networking and recruitment events held each year drawing up to 500 companies, the Career Management Center connects you with employers in your field. Network and learn what their hiring managers seek in new employees – and then build strategies to land your dream job.

Career Fairs and Events


The College of Business is launching a new multi-faceted networking and engagement platform called Rams Connect which provides students, alumni, and industry professionals an opportunity to connect, share experiences, and mentor one another. Two signature components of this platform will be flash mentoring and group communities which will elevate connectivity within our College of Business community. To learn more and ensure you’re on our list as we launch Rams Connect in the coming months, complete our inquiry form

Learn more

Job Search Support

Get an edge in the job market as you hone your skills with individualized coaching. Perfect your resume and cover letter to spotlight your skills and then ace your interview with coaching from our career counselors. We’re also there when you get your offer with help evaluating offers and negotiation strategies.

Featured Job Listings

Mock Interview Program

Participate in one-on-one practice, customized to replicate your next job or internship interview experience. Watch your recorded responses with your interviewer to gain valuable feedback to ace your next interview.

Schedule a Mock Interview

Internships & Micro-Internships

Connect with employers for a paid internship to gather valuable exposure to your industry before graduation.

Featured Internship Listings


Our Partners, your future employers

Career Management Center staff is always strengthening our relationships with employers and building new connections to companies looking for the type of qualified candidates the College of Business produces. The Career Management Center has relationships with hundreds of companies that want to hire CSU BizRams. Below are our Career Alliance Partners

Employer Relations

We appreciate employers' interest in recruiting College of Business students and alumni, and are happy to help you develop a talent pipeline that connects you to the next generation of business leaders. Find more details on hiring top talent from the College of Business or contact us at or call (970) 491-1540.

Career Management Center Support Staff

The Career Management Center hosts information tables throughout the semester.  Please check Handshake for a full list of these and other events hosted by the Career Management Center.  

Important Dates

See All Events 
3/7/2025, 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Network with employers and learn from a unique group of panelists committed to helping students bui...
3/24/2025 - 3/26/2025
Game Changers: Sports & Business
4/1/2025 - 4/10/2025
Explore opportunities with employers that still have hiring needs. Employers will be looking to hir...

Career Management Center Location & Contact Details

Career Management Center
Rockwell Hall West, Room 210
(970) 491-1540