Research Insights for a Better World - College of Business, Colorado State University
Dean Beth Walker

Business for a Better World Dissertation Proposal

Dean Beth Walker

Fostering the next generation of responsible business researchers is central to our College’s vision that business drives positive change in our world. I am excited to announce that the fourth annual Business for a Better World Dissertation Proposal Competition  will once again support business PhD students working on dissertations with great potential to address social, environmental and economic challenges. Winners receive $6,000 each and present their research at the College’s annual fall research symposium. Endorsed by Responsible Research in Business & Management (RRBM), the competition is one of our many initiatives that support positive impact. Read More

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Lip service or living it out? Research clarifies how businesses seek purpose beyond profit

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | Christoper Blocker, PhD; Joseph Cannon, PhD; Jonathan Zhang, PhD

Organizational purpose in action: How business leaders tackle society’s challenges with inside-out and outside-in approaches.

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Three people meet and discuss business

Unexpected changes to daily workload linked to anxiety, burnout

Personnel Psychology | Sherry Fu, PhD

Having to accommodate unexpected tasks – or reschedule them to a future date – causes anxiety centered on a loss of control in the workplace, and may contribute to burnout. 

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A woman looks at her computer

New research links data, behavior to expose gaps in equality

Production and Operations Management | Gaurav Jetley, PhD

Black ICU patients receive less pain monitoring than white ones, a disparity linked to higher rates of early readmission, analysis of electronic healthcare records finds. 

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A waiter takes an order from a couple

What helps a board of directors thrive? New research says reducing inherent biases

Personnel Psychology |  Mary Waller, PhD

A new theory on board decision making conceptualizes it occurring in three phases and introduces the concept of board decision synergy as a form of effectiveness applicable to the process.

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