Every student is different. Your tuition and fees will reflect your student type and academic path.

We do our best to give you accurate estimates, but please email the Office of Financial Aid at financialaid@colostate.edu to get the most precise information about your cost of attendance.

Financial Aid and Support

Graduate school is an investment. We're here to help. The College of Business offers specific opportunities for graduate students to reduce college expenses.

Scholarships Assistantships Work-Study

Amounts displayed are intended as an estimate only, and should not be used for billing purposes.

Estimated 2023-2024 Tuition and Fees

Master of Accountancy, 30 credits

Resident   Nonresident   

Resident and Western Regional Graduation Program (WRGP) 1

Resident full-time (typically 15 credits per semester)
  Semester2 Program3 (2 semesters)
Base tuition $5,580 $11,160
Graduate differential tuition3 $5,130 $10,260
General fees $934 $1,868
Alternative transportation fee $34 $68
University facility fee $356 $712
University technology fee $32 $64
College technology fee $103 $206
Total $12,169 $24,338

Nonresident full-time (typically 15 credits per semester)
  Semester2 Program3 (2 semesters)
Base tuition $13,680 $27,360
Graduate differential tuition3 $5,130 $10,260
General fees $934 $1,868
Alternative transportation fee $34 $68
University facility fee $356 $712
University technology fee $32 $64
College technology fee $103 $206
Total $20,269 $40,538
1. Master of Accountancy is a current member of Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) and part of the Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP). Master of Finance students who are residents of the following WICHE member states may apply for WRGP and qualify for savings on out-of-state or non-resident tuition costs. The WICHE states are Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
2. Semester tuition estimates are based on typical fall and spring semesters.
3. Program tuition estimates account for a projected annual increase.
4. Graduate differential tuition is $342 per credit hour.

How We Calculate Tuition and Fees

The College of Business follows the University's graduate tuition guide and additionally charges graduate differential tuition. Graduate differential tuition helps support your student experience by enhancing classroom technology through innovation, hiring highly qualified faculty, and providing advising support, scholarships, highly equipped computer labs, and comprehensive career services.

Charges will vary, depending on the student’s actual registration, residency, and course of study. Additional University fees also may apply. Try out the University tuition and fees calculator to better understand how tuition and fees can change.

CSU reserves the right to change tuition rates without notice. Tuition rates – based on academic years – are subject to increase on an annual basis and subject to Board of Governor approval. All prices refer to U.S. currency.

All full fee-paying resident‐instruction graduate students automatically will be enrolled in and billed for CSU student health insurance. Premium information and instructions on applying for a waiver to opt out of the insurance are available for domestic students  and international students


Office of Financial Aid

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