Get the skills you'll need to pursue a great career and land that job or internship.
1/23/2018, 4:15 PM - 6:15 PM
Get insight and training for your resume, your personal value proposition, and basic interviewing.
1/30/2018, 4:15 PM - 6:15 PM
Learn how to communicate with employers and how to search for jobs/internships.
2/6/2018, 4:15 PM - 6:15 PM
Find out ways you can remove obstacles from your career path.

The Career Passport Program seminar series will provide undergradute students with the optimal skill sets to pursue a great career, whether it be an internship, or full-time employment. All trainings will be conducted by representatives from area corporations.

Session 1 will provide insight and training for your resume, your personal value proposition, and basic interviewing. Session 2 will focus on communication with employers and your job/internship search. Session 3 will cover removing obstacles from your career path.

Register below to apply for the full three-day seminar and schedule career into your life! You must plan to attend all three sessions.


Rockwell Hall North Lounge