Kelly D. Martin, Ph.D.

Department of Marketing

Tinberg Business for a Better World University Professor

(970) 491-7269
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Kelly D. Martin is Professor of Marketing and Tinberg "Business for a Better World" University Professor at Colorado State University. She teaches Marketing Management in the Professional MBA Program and the Practicum Course in the Marketing Data Analytics MBA Program. Kelly has twice received the CSU College of Business Excellence in (Graduate) Teaching Award and was voted Favorite Faculty by the Evening and Online MBA and Marketing Data Analytics MBA students. 

Kelly’s research interests involve the marketing ethics-firm strategy interface, particularly on topics such as customer data privacy, political marketing strategy, and firm approaches to reducing consumer vulnerability. Her work has appeared in journals such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Academy of Management Journal, and Harvard Business Review among other academic journals. Her articles have been recognized for research impact as recipients of the Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award, the MSI Robert D. Buzzell Best Paper Award, the Thomas C. Kinnear/JPPM Award, the Davidson/Journal of Retailing Award, and the AMA/EBSCO Responsible Research in Business Award. Her book on data privacy in marketing was the 2021 recipient of the AMA Foundation Leonard L. Berry Book Award. Kelly received the inaugural AMA Marketing and Society Emerging Scholar Award and held a Colorado State University Monfort Professorship (2014-2016) for her early career research. She was awarded the Sonny Lubick Pinnacle Award (2021, CSU College of Business) for overall excellence. 

Kelly is former joint Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. She serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and the Journal of Retailing. Prior to academia, she worked as a marketing director in the assisted living industry.