Bill Shuster is a Clinical Professor in the Management Department at Colorado State. His primary role is teaching Business Capstone, Supply Chain Practicum and International Business courses, while providing support for students in their career development. Bill piloted a student-driven opportunity assessment program on economic development for counties in rural Colorado that was adopted by the Governor of Colorado. He also works with many corporations to build bridges between the college and business world. This is where he developed his research interest of investigating the correlation of employee engagement and corporate strategy.
Bill still maintains his control of a small management consulting firm that specializes in organizational integration and knowledge management system structures. He has worked with employees from Hewlett Packard, Accenture, JP Morgan Chase and Google to name a few. Bill has been named Professor of the Year by the Business College Council, is an Honorary Inductee for Golden Key Honor Society and Sigma Iota Epsilon. In addition, he was a university Honored Alumni for CSU and received the Accenture Professor Excellence Award, Excellence in Education Award from the Colorado State Athletic Department, as well as the Cermak Award. Bill has two masters’ degrees—a MBA degree and a degree in Affective Communication and sits on the Board of Directors for multiple firms.