Research Insights for a Better World - College of Business, Colorado State University
Dean Beth Walker

CSU College of Business MBA programs rank best in the world for sustainability 

Dean Beth Walker

I am excited to announce that the Colorado State University College of Business MBA programs rank No. 1 in the world among large programs, No. 3 in North America and No. 4 globally by Corporate Knights. Corporate Knights is an international media and research company whose Better World MBA rankings focus on sustainability and responsible business practices. While the “large program” category is new, the MBA programs moved up 1 and 3 spots among North American and global MBA programs, respectively.

Corporate Knights evaluated 174 schools worldwide, including all programs on the Financial Times Global MBA and Princeton Review’s Best Green MBA lists. I am proud that our MBA programs were judged as being among the best in the world at ensuring that the next generation of business leaders have a deep understanding of how businesses must help address our economic, social and environmental challenges. 

Addressing societal challenges also steers a large portion of our research. Below, we highlight how research into DEI, after-hours work, social media interactions and robotized workplaces are providing new perspectives for industry leaders and policymakers

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A woman discusses policies with coworkers.

Aligning multiple DEI programs key to success, research finds

Academy of Management Journal | Tiffany Trzebiatowski, PhD  

Companies that implement diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives supporting women and minority employees find success when coordinating practices rather than resorting to an ad-hoc patchwork of programs.

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A woman looks at a phone and a laptop while sitting in the back seat of a car.

After-hours work: the road to productivity or burnout? It depends.

Human Resource Management | Adela Chen, PhD; Samantha Conroy, PhD

Examining long-term productivity as well as employee wellbeing, research finds unexpected tradeoffs and nuance for after-hours device usage.

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Hands holding a phone.

Research reveals the link between social media likes and dangerous user behavior

Journal of Management Information Systems | Hamed Qahri-Saremi, PhD

Black ICU patients receive less pain monitoring than white ones, a disparity linked to higher rates of early readmission, analysis of electronic healthcare records finds. 

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Factory workers complete tasks alongside a robot

Research finds robots negatively impact humans who work around them

Research Policy |  Boris Nikolaev, PhD

A new theory on board decision making conceptualizes it occurring in three phases and introduces the concept of board decision synergy as a form of effectiveness applicable to the process.

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