Keep your momentum by using transfer credits toward your minor in Music Business
Transfer Credits & Tuition Rates
If you attended another institution prior to coming to Colorado State University, you may wonder whether you’ll need to retake business courses. Fortunately, equivalent transfer courses that were taken at an accredited college or university may apply toward your minor. Equivalent community college courses may be substituted for 100 and 200-level prerequisites and requirements.
Email the Music Business Advisors to see how your existing credits accelerate your path to your minor or visit Transferology for a pre-assessment.
Differential Tuition
Based on access to College of Business’ premier facilities, cost of instruction, student demand and the value of a CSU College of Business Minor in Music Business in the job market, differential tuition for minor courses is $95.00 per credit hour.* For a deeper understanding of differential tuition, visit the CSU Office of Financial Aid’s website.
* Like all tuition rates, this differential tuition may change in future years.