Patricia (Tricia) Ryan is an Associate Professor of Finance at Colorado State University. Professor Ryan’s main teaching and research interests are in corporate finance. Her research interests are specifically grounded in equity offerings, including initial public offerings and analysis of the impact of the JOBS Act, financial distress, capital budgeting, enterprise valuation issues, and exchange listing decisions. Professor Ryan’s teaching interests lie primarily in corporate finance and enterprise valuation. Professor Ryan has taught both at the graduate and undergraduate level and has taught in the College’s Executive MBA program. Her teaching interests are in financial management, enterprise valuation, and project analysis. She instructs graduate and capstone undergraduate level courses with the case method, with the end result being live case analysis.
Professor Ryan has presented research papers, served as discussant, program committee member and discussant at the Association’s annual meetings. Professor Ryan’s research has appeared in The Journal of Empirical Finance, The Financial Review, The Journal of Economics and Business, The Journal of Financial Education, Journal of Business and Management, and Psychological Measurement, Journal of Research in Finance, and Journal of Accounting and Finance Research. Her research has been cited in the Wall Street Journal, CFO Magazine, and Investment Dealers Digest.
Professor Ryan has been active in the Financial Management Association and the Midwest Finance Association. She has served the Midwest Finance Association as a member on the Board of Directors and as the Investments track chair and as the Best Paper awards chair. She has previously served as the Associate Editor of the Business Case Journal and co-Editor for Global Journal of Accounting and Finance.